We are all aware of the rise of COVID-19 infections in the UK and the impact that will have on families, friends, the way we live our lives and on the groups we support. As things progress, we will keep you posted on any specific updates that are relevant for the youth sector and young people.
We will also be trying to assess the impact of C-19 on both our Members, young people and communities we all support. As such there are three area's we are focusing on:
1) Developing our support to help our Members and Partners through the Covid-19 lockdown. These include weekly Webinars.
2) Developing systems to help advertise our members vital provision and help to make collaboration possible.
3)Continue to try and support our Members and raise funds for ourselves and our Members to increase delivery in Cyber support and the expected extended summer holiday period.
PRACTICAL RESOURCES and GUIDANCE for working with children and young people
Youth Work Safeguarding Resource
Guidance (National Youth Agency)
NYA have developed youth sector specific advice and guidance.
Guidance (Partnership for Young Londoners)
Official advice and guidance.
YPF Webinars
Series of practical and informative Webinars
Funding available to support to services
Covid-19 emergency funding opportunities
Help Harrow is a new website for food, advice and mental Health support
Harrow residents and in students welcome
COVID-19 Specific Support for Harrow Residents
Coronavirus - How You Can Help Harrow
Supporting the Wellbeing of Children and Young People in Harrow during Covid-19
Harrow Council - Coronavirus (COVID-19)
General Guidance on supporting children/ young people a with moderate/ severe Learning Disability who have experienced bereavement
Together we are working to support the Voluntary Sector in Harrow during the Coronavirus Outbreak
Covid- 19 Funding for Harrow Voluntary Sector Groups
Additional Useful Information
NCVO Advice
MIND Advice
Charity Commission Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for the charity sector
Charity Finance Group: A practical guide for charity finance professionals
NHS England and NHS Improvement
Learning Disability and Autism Resource for Coronavirus
Advice for parents during coronavirus
NCVO: Coronavirus job retention scheme and volunteering