This is Harrow 2023 Report

This is Harrow 2023 Report
"This is Harrow" is a comprehensive report combining research, local professional insights, and youth interviews to portray growing up in Harrow. It informs service design, funding requests, and strategic planning for youth services in the borough.
It has been a turbulent few years for children and young people – recovery from a global pandemic, facing the rising cost of living, navigating a national mental health crisis. Our young people in Harrow are inspiring, resilient, and largely happy and healthy.
6,809 young people aged 9-18 answered the 2023 HAY Harrow Needs Analysis.
Here is a snapshot of life in Harrow for young people:
- 80% agree that their family helps and supports them and their parents or carers are interested in what happens to them at school or college.
- 80% say they like school or college a bit or a lot. 80% say they agree they have a good friend or friends.
- 5% (288) of young people who answered the survey said they live in a house with 8+ other people.
- 1% of young people in KS3 and above (11-18 years) identify as non-binary. We asked young people in KS4/5 and above (14-19 years) about their sexual orientation and 84% answered that they identify as straight; 5% as bisexual; and 2% are gay or lesbian.
- 6% live in temporary housing.
- 11% say they live with someone who has a disability, and 21% live with someone who has a health or mental health condition.