Webinar on Help Harrow Referral System

Webinar on Help Harrow Referral System
Your invitation to Help Harrow!
Helpharrow.org, being delivered in partnership with Harrow Council is a self - referral system for all ages, targeting acute needs in specific social areas in Harrow. Help Harrow portal is a way of connecting vulnerable residents to vital services in the borough during and throughout the current pandemic.
Help Harrow currently offers support for:
Advice and information support for all areas of life
Mental health and emotional wellbeing support for young people and adults.
Food parcels
An integrated referral system.
Referrals can be made directly by the person in need or via an Access Point.
What is a Help Harrow Access Point?
Local organisation/institution that can use Help Harrow to submit referrals for support on a persons and/or household’s behalf.
Who can be an Access Point?
Harrow charitable and voluntary sector organisations
Schools and other educational institutions
Public sector organisations
NHS services
Key Benefits to organisations:
A virtual “ One stop shop” to organisations and services in the Harrow.
A choice of relevant organisations listed to support the needs.
Key organisations in the system including but not limited to Citizen Advice Bureau, MiND in Harrow, Age UK and Harrow Carers.
Young Harrow Foundation would like to invite your organisation/institution to become a Help Harrow Access Point.