Crowning Greatness

← Back | Last updated on 6 Nov 2024

About Organisation

We educate youth aged 11-15 on how to become young people that can respect others, be respected, and enrich society. Empowering them with entrepreneurial, leadership, and confidence-building skills. Giving them the accountability and the ownership to develop and grow into inspiring role models, working on their individual core and as part of a team. We also provide entertainment for the youth in the community to create positive social interaction in new environments.

Crowing Greatness CIC (CGCIC) organises activities and workshops to help deter anti-social behaviour and gang crime and affiliation by encouraging positive role model behaviour through the exploration of music, arts & culture, and social economic change through the following initiatives:

  • CGCIC assists the local community with an annual warm hub, which offers a safe space with food and entertainment, set within a friendly community atmosphere, free for the local community funded by Harrow Giving.

  • CGCIC has a youth-led focus group with seven members. The focus group meets every 8 weeks and during the course of this meeting, the young people provide input on how the services for young people should be developed and designed.

  • CGCIC have created The Backstage to Centre Stage programme - a dynamic music initiative, dedicated to nurturing the talents of young individuals. Participants gain essential skills in songwriting, vocal coaching, music production, branding and stage presence, among other crucial aspects of the music industry. The programme also prioritises personal growth by incorporating positive mindset sessions that boost self-esteem and confidence.

  • CGCIC has a team of party/entertainment hosts who deliver entertainment packages for parties and community events. The Play Team also hosts a variety of community events.

Extended Services:

  • Workshops. Live and virtual training sessions which last for two hours covering topics like learning self development, confidence building, team building, self-reflection and self-awareness, entrepreneurship, presentation skills, pitching to investors, CV writing, career advice, video production, podcasting, video/audio editing, filming, photography, storyboarding, baking, cooking, sculpting, and visual arts.
  • DAY TRIPS AND EVENTS. To education destinations like museums, art galleries, and fund destinations like theme parks and theatres. This is to enable young people navigate social spaces and form new experiences.
  • MENTORSHIP. Monthly mentorship sessions to reflect on learning and positive mindset.
  • WORK EXPERIENCE: Employment experience working with Crowning Greatness C.I.C, Character reference and Interviewing techniques

Crowning Greatness
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Harrow, HA3
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