Depression And Me: Real Life Child Mental Health Experiences - photo

Depression And Me: Real Life Child Mental Health Experiences
Nip in the Bud

Free Resources


This short film features real-life accounts of depression experienced by young people. Through their words, we see the importance of early intervention in a child's mental health by parents and teachers.

Please note - some images and content may be upsetting or disturbing. This film is not intended to be watched by children.

A child with depression can experience problems not just with how they feel, but also how they behave. Depression in children is treatable, but often young people are not recognised as being depressed so they don’t get the right help.

This is one of our real-life experience films but we've also included other films about Depression here on the Young Foundation platform.

For more information, the accompanying comprehensive Fact Sheets and additional resources visit our website.

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