Young Carers Counselling Service - photo

Young Carers Counselling Service
Harrow Carers

16 - 25 Free In-person


Harrow Carers
376 Pinner Road
Harrow, HA2 6ED
Google Maps


Project runs daily.

09:00 to 18:00 on weekdays

School Term
School Holidays
Bank Holidays
Ends Soon

The activity runs from 7 September 2023 to 31 January 2024. The Young Harrow Foundation does not manage bookings for this activity and is not responsible for the delivery of the project. If you have any questions, please contact the organisation directly.

Sessions are pre-arranged with you in advance.


Harrow Carers offer 1 to 1 counselling services to young carers who are aged 16 and over.

Caring or helping to care for a loved one can be challenging and many young carers experience a range of feelings about their caring role.

You might feel happy, worried, upset, frustrated, isolated, stressed or angry and at times you might be unsure of how to deal with all these emotions. If you feel you would like to have a really good talk with someone about the ups and downs of being a young carer, then counselling might just be for you!

Our counselling sessions are 50 minutes long and you can have up to 6 sessions. After this, you review with the counsellor and you may decide to continue with a further 6 sessions.

Call The Young Carers Team on 0208 8685 224 to talk more about the support available or press 'book now' and a member of our team will be in touch.

More about counselling

Seeing a counsellor is a chance for you to talk to someone about your life as a young carer and how this makes you feel. It will also give you the opportunity to work out some ideas for dealing with any challenging situations.

Whatever you say to the counsellor will remain private, unless you share something that shows that your own safety is at risk. It might feel a little weird in the beginning to share your feelings with a stranger, that’s totally understandable! However, you don’t need to worry, the counsellor will have experience working with young people and will have an understanding of the issues that young carers face


Harrow Carers

0208 868 5224 email hidden; JavaScript is required
376 Pinner Road, Harrow, HA2 6ED


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