YHF AGM 2023 - photo

YHF AGM 2023
Young Harrow Foundation

Free Online


Project availability

from 18 October 2023 to 18 October 2023


This year Young Harrow Foundation's Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place online. We do hope you can spare 45 minutes to join us for a reflection of the past year, looking ahead to what’s in store and to agree our financial accounts.

We have asked you to come out to quite a lot of face to face events recently including training sessions, summer socials, conferences and the upcoming Funding Event and felt it would be better use of all our time to do this online (via ZOOM). We REALLY DO hope you can join both the YHF Team and TRUSTEES online.

When: Wednesday 18th of October 2023 from 5.00pm 5.45pm


5.00pm Welcome and Introductions Clare Harrington – Chair
5.10pm Minutes of last year’s AGM
5.15pm Trustee - Appointments
5.20pm Chair’s Overview
5.25pm Annual Report and Financial Statement
5.35pm CEO Highlights and our future plans
5.45pm AGM Ends


Young Harrow Foundation

0208 429 8592 https://youngharrowfoundation.org/ email hidden; JavaScript is required
27 High Street, Harrow, HA1 3HT


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