Anthony Scott - qualified counsellor/psychotherapist with 17 years’ face-to-face work with young people, families, communities in both statutory and voluntary services.

Anthony Scott - qualified counsellor/psychotherapist with 17 years’ face-to-face work with young people, families, communities in both statutory and voluntary services.
Extensive experience in working with young people at risk of offending, serious youth violence, designing and delivering training which is respectful, truthful and challenging to enable professionals to understand institutional racism, unconscious bias, and how these nuances impact communities from the African and Asian diaspora and the role that generational trauma has to play in how our young people and families present to services.
YPF’s would therefore like to explore with a panel of professionals in the field of open CHI dialogue, to support of our members in how to hold a conversation with young people.
With that in mind, we will be holding a Webinar via zoom.
Any realistic chance of tackling such deeply complex problems (such as structural racism within society) and bring about meaningful change has to begin with our deep desire to want to connect with those whose experiences may differ from our own. It is so important to be curious, to challenge our own thinking, and to be willing to step out of our comfort zones to find new ways to act towards each other with respect, kindness and understanding.