What is HAF?
The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme is a Department for Education (DfE) funded programme, brought to you by Harrow Council in partnership with the Young Harrow Foundation.
The HAF Programme is for children and young people, from Reception to Year 11 eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) related benefits. The programme is fully funded and includes daily nutritious meals and fun activities. From sports to arts and crafts, including specialist SEND support, there's something for every child to enjoy.
Thank you for such a great programme, the kids enjoyed it and haven’t stopped talking about it. They were chuffed to try new activities such as boxing and meeting the police dogs and horses.”
What is the focus of the programme?
- Relieve pressure points for some families during school holidays due to increased costs and reduced incomes.
- Support children who may be more likely to experience ‘unhealthy holidays’ in terms of nutrition and physical health.
- Increase opportunities for children from lower-income families who may be less likely to access fun activities.
- Provide consistent and easily accessible activities through free holiday clubs with more than just lunch provided.
Check if your child can get free school meals in England and find out how to apply on your local authority’s website.
Who is the programme for?
To qualify for a free place in the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme, you have to meet the following criteria:
- The child / young person must be of school age – from Reception up to Year 11
- The child/young person must be living and/or attending school in Harrow
- The child must be in receipt of benefits tested Free School Meals*
*This programme is primarily aimed at those eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) benefits related - but not exclusively as we aim to include any child experiencing economic and social disadvantage.
Is the programme free?
Yes, the HAF programme is funded by the Department of Education (DfE) for eligible children and young people.
To qualify for a free place in the HAF Programme, you have to meet the following criteria:
- The child / young person must be of school age – from Reception up to Year 11
- The child/young person must be living and/or attending school in Harrow
- The child must be in receipt of benefits tested Free School Meals*
Where do I check if I'm eligible for Free School Meals, benefits related?
Check if your child can get free school meals in England and find out how to apply on your local authority’s website.
How to send a booking request?
When you find an activity that you like, fill out the online questionnaire with your details and the details of the child/young person. This will be sent directly to the organisation running that HAF programme. They will be in touch to ask for more information and/or to confirm your place.
Subscribe to our mailing list to be alerted when the activities are available to book.Please note that the Young Harrow Foundation advertise the HAF activities only. We don't provide activities or manage booking requests directly.
Who manage my booking request?
We give funding to several organisations each school holiday for them to become a HAF provider. We publish their HAF activities on our website to centralise all the activities available and to make it easy for people to see what's available to book in Harrow but we don't run the activities ourselves, and therefore we don't manage the bookings or make decisions about the spaces available, the HAF provider does.
If you have a question about a specific activity we recommend you contact the organisation directly.
How to cancel my bookings?
You need to log in to your account where you can find an option to cancel the booking yourself under "Your HAF bookings" in the navigation menu.
You can contact the HAF organiser directly. You can find a list of the organisations on our website with their contact details on their profile.
What happens if my child/children don't go to the activity?
If possible, please contact the HAF organiser if your child/children can't attend the HAF activities and note that the HAF organiser has a right to cancel your entire booking if your child/children don't go to the HAF activities in the first few days.
You can find a list of the organisations on our website with their contact details on their profile.
How to make a complaint?
Please contact the HAF organiser directly if you want to make a complaint. Log in to your account to find the name of the organisation. You can find a list of the organisations on our website with their contact details on their profile.
Please note that Young Harrow Foundation is not responsible for the activities provided by the HAF organiser.
What to do when I don’t get a response from the HAF organiser?
When you send a booking request through our website, the HAF organiser receives an email with your infoirmation. Please contact them directly if you don’t hear from them in 5 working days.
Log in to your account to find the name of the organisation. You can find a list of the organisations on our website with their contact details on their profile.
When can I book HAF activities?
Subscribe to our mailing list to be alerted when the activities are available to book.
There are multiple organisations in Harrow that receive funding to run their own HAF programme during the winter, Easter and summer holidays. We publish their programmes on our website a few weeks before the programme starts (mid-March, beginning of July and beginning of Dec approx.)
Can I book a place even though I'm not eligible for Free School Meals?
This programme is primarily aimed at those eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) benefits related - but not exclusively as we aim to include any child experiencing economic and social disadvantage.
If your child/children don’t qualify for FSM but you want to enquire about the possibility of booking a place, please contact the HAF organiser directly. You can find a list of the organisations on our website with their contact details on their profile.
Please note that this is a free provision for children and young people from Reception to Year 11, living and/or going to school in Harrow.
Can my child attend more than one HAF organiser per school holidays?
No. You need to choose one HAF organiser per school holiday and it can be different each time. Please note that this excludes Harrow Winter in Wonderland.
Your child/children can attend the activities organised by your chosen HAF organiser and go to Harrow Winter in Wonderland.
If you have sent a booking request but want to change it, log in to your account and find an option to 'Cancel the booking' yourself under "Your HAF bookings" in the navigation menu.
Can I change the activities if I don’t like them?
Yes. Log in to your account to cancel the existing booking request and then proceed to send another booking request to another organisation.
Please note that it might be difficult during the Winter and Easter school holidays due to the limited number of days of activity sessions our HAF organisers can offer.
Can my booking request be declined?
Yes. HAF organisers can decline a booking request for various reasons. They will contact you if they need further information but usually, they can decline a booking request if the activity is fully booked, accommodate your needs, etc. Contact the organisation directly if you have any questions.
Log in to your account to find the name of the organisation and all the details from your booking request.
What happens if my child has a dietary requirement/allergy?
Our HAF organisers can accommodate your requirements. Please let them know when you submit your booking request and/or in other communications.
Can my child bring a packed lunch?
Yes, your child/children and bring their packed lunch but please let the HAF organiser know. Even though your child/children bring their packed lunch they are still entitled to a free healthy meal a day during the HAF activities.
How HAF providers cater for children with SEND?
We fund a number of SEND specialist organisations to run programmes for children with moderate to severe needs and disabilities. Many of the providers also have experience and training to support children with low-level SEND. We recommend getting in touch with the HAF provider directly to discuss your child’s individual needs. You can find a list of the organisations on our website with their contact details on their profile.
If you are a professional, how can you make a referral for a child?
If you are a professional that works with vulnerable children and wants to book a HAF activity on their behalf or you have any questions about the programme, please contact our HAF Manager, Cristina Garcia
HAF Impact Reports

Holiday, Activities and Food (HAF) Programme 2023
Harrow HAF has once again demonstrated our high standards and excellent providers but it was not without challenges. The HAF funding requires constant adaptation and innovation to secure success. This report provides a breakdown of the different holidays, achievements, and challenges we encountered.

Holiday, Activities and Food (HAF) Programme 2023 | Mid-year report
In total, we distributed over £467,000 in direct grants for the HAF Easter and Summer 2023 programme. Grants were awarded to 23 organisations offering a wide range of opportunities right across Harrow targeting a diverse range of children and young people, including Romanian, Iranian, Afghan and Tamil communities.

Holiday, Activities and Food (HAF) Programme 2022
Looking back at our three Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programmes in 2022, we are extremely pleased with the high-quality provision and support offered to Harrow’s young people and families. Harrow, much like the rest of London, is still reeling from the pandemic's detrimental impact and under pressure due to the ongoing cost of living crisis.

Holiday, Activities and Food (HAF) Programme 2021
Young Harrow Foundation (YHF) was commissioned by Harrow Council in March 2021 to deliver The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme in Harrow. The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme is a Department for Education (DfE) funded programme of activities for children and young people from Reception to Year 11, during the school holidays (Winter, Easter, and Summer) eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), benefits related.