SEND & Neurodiverse Support

Welcome to our SEND and neurodiverse support page. Find a wide range of free and low-cost activities, tailored to your child's needs, local organizations providing invaluable support and programs by Harrow Council. We also have essential resources to support children and young people's development and well-being.

The HAF Programme

The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme is a Department for Education (DfE) funded programme, brought to you by Harrow Council in partnership with the Young Harrow Foundation.

The HAF Programme is for children and young people, from Reception to Year 11 eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) related benefits. The programme is fully funded and includes daily nutritious meals and fun activities. From sports to arts and crafts, including specialist SEND support, there's something for every child to enjoy.

See if you are eligible

Outside of school SEND Activities in Harrow

Harrow Council local offer

Harrow's Local Offer provides information about services for children and young people 0-25 with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities. The Local Offer has been created by parents and professionals.

If you live in Harrow there is lots of help and friendly advice available. Some of the groups are run by parents who have children with learning difficulties and disabilities, and through their experience, they may understand the problems you may face.

More info