Harrow School
As Harrow approaches the 450th anniversary of its foundation, we reflect with both pride and humility on the charitable aims of its founder, John Lyon, and his courageous belief in a good education for all. To this end, today we work hard to achieve excellent outcomes, not just for Harrovians but also for young people who live in our community: a local fellowship. Shaftesbury Enterprise encompasses all of Harrow’s philanthropic, charitable, outreach and partnership work.
Through this initiative, the School engages purposefully with educational projects designed in collaboration with partner schools. Together with our work with other local organisations, these make a significant impact in the borough and beyond. Developing partnership work is at the heart of Harrow’s future. We benefit hugely from it reciprocally, with many Harrovians feeling that their commitment to Shaftesbury Enterprise is one of the most valuable they make.
Learn about the programmes we fund in Harrow:
Build Back Better 2022-2023 Grant Programme
Build Back Better 2021 Grant Programme
Visit partner website