Ominira Learning

← Back | Last updated on 17 Nov 2023

About Organisation

Ominira Learning is on a mission to make a range of learning experiences accessible to families from all walks of life. We focus on providing learning opportunities that are not offered within the classroom setting. Our tuition services, across all examined subjects, use our specifically designed curriculum to empower students.

We offer our students a range of activities from liberal arts, and science, to personalised tutoring.

At our holiday camps, we offer an educationally prosperous, and fun filled, safe environment.

Our students take part in enriching activities including animal encounters, sign language classes, arts & crafts, body positivity workshops, public speaking, dance, sports, and cooking classes. They also go on external trips to theme parks, bowling alleys, trampoline parks, assault courses and rock climbing venues.

We work with organisations such as the XVI Film Company, Local Zoo's, who deliver our filmmaking workshops and Girls who Code. We aim to equip our students with survival and livelihood skills while enabling their personal development. All of our activities are hands-on and suited for a broad age range. We ensure students have a variety of activities to choose from while learning something new.

Since Summer 2022 we have worked across 20+ Boroughs (offering the activities mentioned above) and always use your input to continuously improve our offering!

Ominira Learning
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