Fun and Educational activities in Harrow
Organiser: Harrow Nature Conservation Forum
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Project availability
The activity runs from 1 February 2024 to 18 December 2024. The Young Harrow Foundation does not manage bookings for this activity and is not responsible for the delivery of the project. If you have any questions, please contact the organisation directly.
All HNCF events are free of charge. * indicates a recommended external event for which there may be a charge.
- Saturday 30 November 2024. Bentley Priory. 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Tony Hassan. We will be coppicing the willows around the Lower Dragonfly Pond to let light into this lovely little pond.*
- Saturday 30 November 2024. Pinner Recreation Ground. 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM. Simon Braidman. National Tree Planting Week event. We will plant elms - both native Wych Elm and disease resistant Sapporo Gold - to both enhance the appearance of the site and provide food for caterpillars of the uncommon White Letter Hairstreak butterfly.*
- Saturday 30 November 2024. Newton Farm. 10:00 AM - 12 noon. Leslie Bolsover*
- Sunday 01 December 2024. Stanmore Common. 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM. Stanmore Common wardens*
- Monday 02 December 2024. Stanmore Marsh. 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Dhillan Sood. Work to maintain or survey this lovely little site. We might be doing physical work like clearing paths, or we might be doing survey work such as surveying invertebrates in the streams.*
- Wednesday 04 December 2024. Stanmore Country Park. 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Nik Jackson. We will be cutting back the gorse that is encroaching on John's Ride - the ride that connects 40 Acre Field and John Hall's Field.*
- Wednesday 04 December 2024. Stanmore Common. 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM. Stanmore Common wardens*
- Saturday 07 December 2024. Newton Farm. 10:00 AM - 12 noon. Leslie Bolsover*
- Saturday 07 December 2024. Lady Gilbert's orchard. 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM. Hilary Coombes. We'll be renovating and extending the dead hedges, digging out saplings and sedges and finishing mulching round the fruit trees. Please bring a packed lunch and your own gloves and secateurs if possible. All other tools will be provided.*
- Sunday 08 December 2024. Roxbourne Rough. 10:00 AM -12 noon. Peter McLoughlin*
- Sunday 08 December 2024. Stanmore Common. 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM. Stanmore Common wardens*
- Wednesday 11 December 2024. Stanmore Common. 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM. Stanmore Common wardens*
- Saturday 14 December 2024. Newton Farm. 10:00 AM - 12 noon. Leslie Bolsover*
- Saturday 14 December 2024. Stanmore Marsh. 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Dhillan Sood. Work to maintain or survey this lovely little site. We might be doing physical work like clearing paths, or we might be doing survey work such as surveying invertebrates in the streams.*
- Sunday 15 December 2024. Stanmore Common. 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM. Stanmore Common wardens*
- Wednesday 18 December 2024. Stanmore Common. 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM. Stanmore Common wardens