Alec Dickson Trust
Alex Dickson, along with his wife Mora, founded CSV (Community Service Volunteers) in 1962, mobilising the talents and energy of young people. CSV provided Alec with the opportunity to put many of his innovative ideas about community service into practice. He passionately believed that anyone could make a positive contribution to the world around them. Alec pioneered the involvement of young volunteers with backgrounds in offending, drug misuse and homelessness, built up a programme of community service work in schools, and campaigned vigorously for a nationwide community service.
It was with this spirit of adventure and belief in young people that the Alec Dickson Trust was established after Alec’s death in 1994.
The Alec Dickson Trust holds several core values which are:
- Supportive. The Trust aims to be a supportive trust which encourages young people to volunteer as much as possible.
- Empowering. The Trust endeavours to empower young people to lead volunteering projects spanning many different fields.
- Responsible. The Trust will be responsible in how it uses its funds and expects similar reliability from those receiving a grant.
Objectives of Fund
The funding is aimed at individuals and groups of young people who are able to demonstrate that through volunteering or community service they can enhance the lives of others, particularly those most marginalised by society.
Value Notes
Grants of up to £500 are available.
Who Can Apply
Applications are accepted from UK based volunteering or community service projects, organised and run by young people (under 30 years).
Funding is not available for the following:
- Overseas trips or gap year projects.
- Uniforms, equipment or training for personal benefit, eg university course fees, laptop for an individual.
- Direct expenditure for a fundraising event, such as venue hire.
- Projects run by groups aged over 30 years.
Eligible Expenditure
In general, the Trust aims to support projects which:
- Encourage youth volunteering - particularly those which involve lots of volunteers and encourage people to continue volunteering long term.
- Have a positive impact on disadvantaged communities and individuals - particularly projects which address a specific need and have a long lasting and meaningful effect on those it reaches.
- Are innovative and try to do things a bit differently, such as using social media creatively or using existing resources in new ways.
How To Apply
Guidelines and the online application form can be found on the Trust's website. Trustees meet eight times a year to review applications. Applicants should bear in mind the following meeting dates when they are planning their application:
- 30 August 2023
- 18 October 2023. The deadline for applications is 4 October 2023 (12pm).
- 29 November 2023
- 17 January 2024
- 28 February 2024
- 17 April 2024
Please note these meeting dates may change and applicants should check the Trust's website.
Funds are likely to reach applicants in one month following board meetings.
Contact the Alec Dickson Trust for more information.