Harrow Borough-Based Partnership (BBP), is a collaboration between the NHS, Harrow Council, and the Voluntary Sector.
Together, they are on a mission to work with children, families and communities in Harrow to support better care and healthier lives.
Driving change for children and young people
To deliver on their mission, Harrow Borough Based Partnership has three priorities which can be found in their 3 year delivery plan.
A core part of their approach, is to deliver transformational change for Harrows' children and young people, through more integrated services.
How they will achieve this
There are four delivery priorities which form part of the Children & Young People Service Integration Programme, designed to support more joined-up children and young people services in Harrow. Below are these plans.
Family hubs
Family Hubs are a way of bringing together all the support a family may need. Helping families with children aged 0-19 or up to 25 with SEND (Special Education, Needs and Disabilities), Family Hubs support connection with a range of services that can address needs at the earliest opportunity.
Early help for under 1s
A pilot of a new model for under 1, supported by GP practices. A key element will be establishing community health and wellbeing
champions in the pilot area. -
No wrong front door
When a child, young person or parent/carer presents with a need anywhere in our system, they will be supported to access the right help in a coordinated way and with no handoffs.
Team around the family
A team of professionals working together to help a family / young person to access local services and support, that is tailored to them. This team will work around the family to make sure there is support to achieve impact and positive change in the life of the young person or family.
Collaborate with BBP
If you work with children and young people, and you want to hear more about the integration roll out in Harrow, or see how you can be involved in the design and consultation, sign up here.
What are Family Hubs?
Family Hubs are a way of bringing together all the support a family may need. Helping families with children aged 0-19 or up to 25 with SEND (Special Education, Needs and Disabilities). Family Hubs support connection with a range of services that can address needs at the earliest opportunity.
We don’t know exactly what this looks like for Harrow yet as BBP and partners are in the process of designing it, but the plans are on track to be finalised by January 2024.
We have included a video to show you how a different London borough has achieved Family Hubs.
Information & Resources
Download the BBP Fact Sheet for Harrow
The Borough Based Partnership Website
Children & Young People Short Needs Assessment
National Centre for Family Hubs
2023 Hay Harrow Report (9-18yrs)
In 2022/2023, nearly 7,000 young people aged 9-18 answered the How Are You (HAY Harrow Survey). Read the results here
Find Support for Children & Young People
Directory of Support Organisations in Harrow
Find support for parents/carers in Harrow