Anxiety, Wellbeing & Transition Resources
Being isolated in lockdown and having big changes to our normal lives is likely to make everyone feel anxious, worried and scared. This is normal, and there are things that we all can do to make this time as manageable as possible.
Khulisa's qualified therapists have created a series of toolkits, which give young people tried and tested tips, techniques and activities to build their resilience and protect their social and emotional wellbeing during these challenging and uncertain times.
- Wellbeing Toolkit - to support young people to prioritise their mental and physical wellbeing during the pandemic, including building a routine, trying new things, staying active and sleep and food hygiene.
- Managing Transition, Uncertainty & Change Toolkit: Part 1 - Summer Holiday Edition. To support young people to reflect and integrate their experiences of lockdown and work towards a healthy and safe transition back to school: a set of reflective, fun and interactive activities for young people to complete alone or with a supportive adult. More information
- Managing Transition, Uncertainty & Change Toolkit: Part 2 - Back to School Edition. To support young people in managing their thoughts, feelings and behaviour, and encourage them to reflect on and process the impact of their experience of lockdown may have had.
- Wellbeing toolkit. Packed full of ideas to support young people to manage this period of change, with tips and techniques to increase their coping skills, build healthy habits and develop resilience. More information
- Managing Transition, Uncertainty & Change Toolkit: Part 2 - Back to School Edition., Coming end of August, and check our website for toolkits for parents/carers and professionals.
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I enjoyed doing the activities in these and thought they were easy to remember. They helped me feel calm