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Harrow Giving - Stories of Harrow

Funding available to preserve the stories and lived experiences of communities in Harrow

Stories of Harrow is an exciting new project that will award 15 organisations grants of up to £10k, together with training and support to help preserve the heritage of communities in Harrow. It is being made possible thanks to funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund and in collaboration with Harrow Council and Headstone Manor Museum.

Much of the history of Harrow focuses on ‘Metroland’, yet the majority of the communities in Harrow arrived in the borough within the last 75 years. Now, the stories and heritage of these communities are in danger of being lost.

Through the Stories of Harrow project, Harrow Giving is offering underrepresented groups the funding and support to come together and save the stories of their heritage. These stories will then be shared with the wider Harrow community, enriching and challenging people’s perspective of our hometown in time to celebrate the 60th birthday of the London Borough of Harrow itself in 2026.

What will the project look like?

Stories of Harrow is a combination of funding, training and support. The 15 groups awarded grants will lead their project and also work together to design a final showcase and share at the Headstone Museum. We will find the experts to support you with training and guidance, and our project manager is on hand to keep things on track, but this is about your heritage and your stories.

We know that running a heritage project might be quite different from anything you’ve tackled before and you might not be ready to describe your idea just yet.

  • The first step is to fill out an Expression of Interest form. Through this, you can
    • book a 1-2-1 consultation with Stories of Harrow Project Manager, Alex McIntyre.
    • Register your interest in enrolling in a programme of workshops designed to support you and your organisation in crafting a successful application. Details, dates and times of these workshops will be coming soon.
  • Applications for this grant round will open in September. We are currently working on the grant application form and guidance. As soon as these documents are ready you will be the first to know!


No Min - £10,000
31 Oct 2024
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