Holiday, Activities and Food (HAF) Programme 2023 | Mid-year report

Holiday, Activities and Food (HAF) Programme 2023 | Mid-year report
As the number of Free School Meals (‘FSM’) recipients continues to grow, there is a huge need for a programme like HAF that brings young people together, promotes healthy eating, safety and social inclusion, and also connects families with schools and other services.
4,353 Children and young people attended the Easter and Summer 2023 HAF programmes, including young people with SEND needs.
This year we introduced secondary school age drop-in sessions, allowing providers more flexibility and enabling secondary-aged young people to have more control over their participation in the programme.
We continue to strengthen our relationships with SEND specialist schools and providers. We offered more places for SEND provision this Easter and had great success in attracting 370 young people with SEND. This is more than double the number of young people who participated in Easter 2022 (166), a testament to our dedication to providing quality SEND education and support.
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